Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Greenville Drive!
Swimming at Mimi and Poppi's!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Strawberry Hill U.S.A.
Rows and rows of strawberries - YUMMM!
We had so much fun, and we can't wait to go back!
Saturday Baseball!
Baseball Updates!
Drew also had a game last Tuesday, May 20 We got to the ball field with the sky looking pretty dark. Drew took some practice bats with Craig while we waited on the rest of our team to arrive.
Our team had gotten three outs against the other team and had come in to bat when we started hearing thunder in the distance. Since it was far away, the umpire decided to let our kids go ahead and bat. We made it about half way through our batting order with all of our kids getting on base except one. Drew got his eighth home run of the season!! With one out and several runs scored, close lightening had the umpire getting everyone to leave the stadium (us parents were grateful). He asked everyone to stay in their cars until he could see if we would be able to finish. It was raining so hard, and even hailing. After the storm passed the field was too flooded to continue with our game so the umpire called it. We will be resuming this game (everything will start just as it ended Tuesday night) this Wednesday night at 6:00. Drew can't wait. I just hope our team plays as good as they were that night!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
2008 Miss/Mr. Rising Star Pageant!
Today was the 2008 Miss/Mr. Rising Star Pageant. Mikayla did not compete this year because she was crowned 2007 Petite Miss Rising Star in last year's pageant! She was part of the pageant this year as she had to crown this year's winner. She also participated in the opening dance number, held the basket so the petite contestants could draw their on-stage question, and took her "final walk" as 2007 Petite Miss Rising Star. We only had to change her clothes once this year compared to 4 times last year, so it was so much less stressful this year (for mommy). Mikayla had so much fun last year, and I think she may have been a little sad not to be competing this year. Also, as part of this year's pageant, the 2007 queens (Petite, Junior, and Pre-Teen) each performed a talent while the judges tabulated their scores. Mikayla did not perform a talent in last year's pageant so I was a little unsure of this. Until this Thursday the plan was for Mikayla to perform one of her dances from this year's recital. Thursday, she decided she wanted to sing "You Are My Sunshine" like Abbi did at last year's pageant. Miss Andrea said that would be fine and had her practiced singing in class on Thursday and Friday nights.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Pool, Finally!!
Another Game!
Mother's Tea!
Student of the Month!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Hannah Montana!!
It was so fun to see their reaction to this - I couldn't get over Drew!! When we got home he said "mom, I wanted to sing". I said "Drew I tried to get you to go up there". Maybe next time...