Right after Christmas, we adopted two goats from Hollywild Animal Park. Craig had been wanting to get some goats for awhile. Every time we go to the zoo (during the day, or at Christmas to see the lights) he mentions this. A friend of Craig's and his dad have worked at the zoo for many years, so Craig talked to them to see about getting two goats. He took Drew after work one day to pick two out - one for him, and one for Mikayla!
Drew holds his goat, Jackson!
Mikayla pets her goat, Miley Cyrus (can you tell we watch Hannah Montanna??)!

Drew and Mikayla love their goats, and they seem to do well with Drew and Mikayla. Jackson follows Drew around everyone (which Drew thinks is so cool). Molly (our cocker spaniel) isn't real sure what to think of them though! The good news she is an inside pet and they are outside pets.
1 comment:
When we were sheep farmers, I had a bottle-fed lamb, Junior, who followed me everywhere. People would sing "And everywhere that Misty went, Junior was sure to go"
The goats and Drew and Mikayla are adorable.
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