Yesterday was Drew's first day of golf camp at The Creek Golf Club (even though Mommy thought Monday was his first day - I wasn't the only one though, Nanda showed up with Bryson and Breanna too)! Drew was anxious to get started once we arrived - he had been waiting weeks for this! There were approx. 20 boys participating and the coaches split them into two groups.
Drew's group started on the putting green. He (in the blue cap) patiently waits his turn while watching a friend putt.
Mikayla and Breanna played together the whole time that the boys were playing golf. Drew was excited that Bryson and Garrett were playing with him. Thanks to Garrett's mom, who works at The Creek, for letting us know about camp!
After putting some, Drew's group moved over to the chipping green. (I think that's what it's called - I need to freshen up on my golf lingo!) We were watching from the clubhouse so I couldn't really tell what was going on. Drew informed me in the car that his coach painted white circles around the holes and they had to chip the ball into the circles. He said he did pretty good on this part, but that he needed to work on his putting. Drew's coach echoed that thought this morning when we arrived. He asked me if Drew played baseball, and when I told him he did he said "I could tell". "When he was putting yesterday he was swinging the club like he swings a baseball bat." He said "he's good, we just have to get him to slow down when putting"! I didn't have my camera today, but I wish I had taken it. The boys were split into three smaller groups today and used the putting green, chipping green, and the driving range. Nanda and I took the girls a little closer today so we could see what was going on a little better. Drew did a good job driving and chipping the ball today. He needed more help with putting - his coach kept reminding him to slow down and save the hard hitting for driving. I am surprised to see all that Drew has learned about golf in just 2 days - I'm learning at the same time. What's really neat is that he gets to tell Daddy and Poppi all that he's learned. He says he has to help them with their golf games too! We can't wait to see what he learns tomorrow.
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