Jadyn, who is in Mikayla's tap/jazz dance class on Monday afternoons, models her evening wear!
Mikayla wanted her Aunt Jennie to be her escort for this pageant, and Aunt Jennie obliged. From that face you might think she'd rather be anywhere else at the moment! After evening wear, we rushed back to change them into their sportswear outfits.
Kenyon, who is in Mikayla's tap/ballet class on Tuesday evenings, models her sportswear!
Mikayla models her sportswear - a Capri outfit of pink, orange, and green gingham accented with watermelon slices and strawberries. She wore a matching bow (thanks mom!!) and white summer sandals. She is carrying a basket of fresh strawberries. Those of you who know Mikayla know that this is a huge step for her - to be walking on that big stage all by herself. We couldn't believe she did it, and we are so proud of her! After the girls modeled their sportswear, they came back out to answer their on-stage question which they drew out of a hat.
Mikayla's question is "what is your favorite food to eat?". After a brief pause she answers "broccoli". This surprised Miss Andrea and everyone else in the room including me! Miss Andrea then asked Mikayla "how much broccoli do you think you could eat?", to which she replies "a lot". The audience erupted into laughter.
Abbi takes her final walk as Little Miss Rising Star.
All the girls line up for awards.
Mikayla is crowned Petite Miss Rising Star by Abbi and Miss Nicole.
Bailey (Junior Miss Rising Star), Mikayla, and Joy (Preteen Miss Rising Star) pose for a picture together.
We are so proud of Drew and Mikayla! They are good children (not perfect, but good), and they make us proud everyday. They are very determined (they get that from their mommy), and very silly (they get that from their daddy)! We can't wait to see more great things from them!
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