This year I didn't get as many Easter pictures. Part of the reason is our family did not participate in one of our yearly traditions - I don't have any pictures of Drew and Mikayla participating in an egg hunt (yet!!). We didn't take them to an "organized" Easter egg hunt this year since Mikayla was still recovering from surgery. All of the great-grandchildren usually have an Easter egg hunt at Grandma's house, so they would have a chance to hunt for eggs there - or so we thought!
While at church Sunday morning, Drew had a little mishap. He was on his way to children's church when he decided to jump up on the concrete curb (he is such a boy). When he came down he landed on his right ankle wrong, turning it. Ms. Amanda said he jumped right back up after it happened so she thought he was fine. Then, he started wanting mommy. He was on his way to get me out of the service, but it was hurting him so bad he couldn't make it that far. Luckily about this same time Craig had taken Mikayla out of the service because she still wasn't feeling like herself. As I'm sitting listening to the Easter message, Craig comes to the door and motions for me to come to the back. I jump up immediately thinking something is wrong with Mikayla. I did not expect to find Drew, in the educational building, sitting with his foot propped up. Craig then went to get some ice to put on it. After sitting with ice on it for a few minutes, he decided he wanted to go back up with the children. We tried to get him to walk, but there was no way he was walking on his ankle it was just too painful. So...mommy carried him! We decided not to stay for Sunday school, and instead to get Drew to Mimi and Poppi's house so he could prop it up more and keep ice on it. We were to go to my grandma's house (directly across the street from my mom and dad) for Easter dinner with my dad's family. Drew spent all day Sunday crawling around the floor when he needed/wanted to move, or sitting with his ankle propped with ice. Needless to say, we did not participate in any egg hunts on Sunday. Poppi told Drew and Mikayla that he would bring eggs over to our house to hide them for Drew and Mikayla as soon as Drew's ankle is better - so look for pictures of that soon!
Checking out their Easter baskets from Mimi and Poppi. Drew received the Power Ranger Morpher that he had been asking for the past two weeks, and Mikayla received the movie Charlotte's Web as that's what she had been asking for. They also received a little candy, though I was happy Mimi and Poppi agreed that they didn't need a lot! Mikayla received the movie Happy Feet, two books, and candy from the Easter bunny, while Drew received the movie Open Season, a book, some addition/subtraction cards, and candy. They were excited. Drew also received $5.00 from the Tooth Fairy for his first tooth - I told him the Tooth Fairy must be getting richer because the most I ever received was $1!!
Poppi holds a sleepy Mikayla before we head over to Grandma's house.
Drew props his ankle up while playing with his Morpher.
While at church Sunday morning, Drew had a little mishap. He was on his way to children's church when he decided to jump up on the concrete curb (he is such a boy). When he came down he landed on his right ankle wrong, turning it. Ms. Amanda said he jumped right back up after it happened so she thought he was fine. Then, he started wanting mommy. He was on his way to get me out of the service, but it was hurting him so bad he couldn't make it that far. Luckily about this same time Craig had taken Mikayla out of the service because she still wasn't feeling like herself. As I'm sitting listening to the Easter message, Craig comes to the door and motions for me to come to the back. I jump up immediately thinking something is wrong with Mikayla. I did not expect to find Drew, in the educational building, sitting with his foot propped up. Craig then went to get some ice to put on it. After sitting with ice on it for a few minutes, he decided he wanted to go back up with the children. We tried to get him to walk, but there was no way he was walking on his ankle it was just too painful. So...mommy carried him! We decided not to stay for Sunday school, and instead to get Drew to Mimi and Poppi's house so he could prop it up more and keep ice on it. We were to go to my grandma's house (directly across the street from my mom and dad) for Easter dinner with my dad's family. Drew spent all day Sunday crawling around the floor when he needed/wanted to move, or sitting with his ankle propped with ice. Needless to say, we did not participate in any egg hunts on Sunday. Poppi told Drew and Mikayla that he would bring eggs over to our house to hide them for Drew and Mikayla as soon as Drew's ankle is better - so look for pictures of that soon!
We plan to get more pictures soon, especially pictures of Drew and Mikayla hunting Easter eggs! As a parent, there is excitement all the time!!
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