Mikayla has now received all of her costumes for the 2007 recital (four total). You may remember from an earlier post her two pink costumes that she will wear for her tap routine to Superstar/Broadway and her ballet routine. Here Mikayla models the costume that she will wear for her tap routine to the Penguin song.
Too Cute!
(She won't be wearing white tights with either of these costumes - those were the ones she had on from dance class tonight.)
Below Mikayla models her costume she will wear in her jazz routine to Locomotion.
Mommy will have lots of fun changing her into all of these at recital! Again, pay no attention to the white tights as they are not the ones she will be wearing. I'll be sure to put lots of recital pictures up again this year. Recital is scheduled for Saturday, June 2nd. We already can't wait!!
(She won't be wearing white tights with either of these costumes - those were the ones she had on from dance class tonight.)
She's absolutely BEAUTIFUL isn't she???
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