Here are more pictures from her party, as they would not all fit in one post. The pictures are in no particular order, but if you want to read about the party skip down to the post below first!
Mikayla and Cole peak into one of the bags she got from Mimi and Poppi!
Mikayla has fun with her cousin Haston!
Mikayla plays her favorite game (although normally she can be found standing on the platform placing the balls in the holes).
Drew, Cole, and Mikayla enjoy tearing the wrapping off of the princess hot wheels that Cole got for Mikayla!
Drew enjoys his pizza as he gets ready for cake.
By that face you can tell that Mikayla really enjoys her pizza. It is one of her favorite foods!
Cole, Drew, Greyson, Morgan, and Hannah enjoy playing with the "monitors" while they wait for Chuck E. Cheese to come out.
Cole, Mikayla, Morgan, Hannah, and Greyson enjoy their pizza.

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