After the meeting about wrestling, we had to get Drew to the dentist. It was his first dental appointment, so we needed to get there early to fill out all the necessary paperwork. We arrived about 30 minutes early. While I filled out the paperwork, Drew read a book that he had brought and looked at some of the magazines. Once I got the paperwork filled out, we were called back (early I might add!) You may remember from a previous post, one of the reasons we chose this practice was because they allow parents to accompany children back into the exam rooms. So, Drew followed the hygienist back and I followed him. I had talked with Drew about what to expect, which was very helpful. As soon as we got into the room, he immediately sat in the chair. The hygienist was very good with Drew, explaining everything that she was doing and showing the tools as she used them. She commented about how well Drew was doing. She told him "mommy should be very proud of you". I was!!! She also told us that he did not have any cavities!!! Great news! After she was finished, she got Dr. Nasim to come in and have a look. He looked in Drew's mouth and said "it looks very good, keep doing what you are doing!" He also went on to say that this was good because Drew won't have a reason to be afraid of the dentist! I couldn't agree more!! We are so proud of our little (I should say big) man! 

Waiting to go back and see the dentist. Doesn't he look relaxed?!

He got in this chair like he had been doing this forever! This mommy sure was proud!!

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, what are they doing to me?" I think Drew was just being silly here. He had not been acting nervous at all!
He did so well with the cleaning, they gave him fluoride! He did really well with this, considering the fact that he had to keep the mouthpiece (with suction) in for one minute!
All finished!! Look at those pearly whites!
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