Saturday, January 28, 2006
We're going to the circus!!
Look for pictures soon!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
It's been awhile...

One of those "sweet" sibling moments!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Since Mimi was in a Continuing Ed class today, we were on our own for lunch. So we enjoyed pizza and then had a nap! After our nap, Poppi came over with chocolate milkshakes for Drew and Mikayla! They surely enjoyed this afternoon snack. We watched the Carolina Panthers play football, and Drew showed Poppi how he plays his VSmile Video Game System that Santa brought him!
After Poppi left we had supper (we offered to feed him but he said he was fine), then headed to Bilo to get some cherry juice for daddy. Mrs. Dana at church told me that cherry juice would help with the gaut and Craig was willing to try anything (well not anything, but you know what I mean). After we returned from Bilo, Drew and Mikayla played a little more.

Drew decided that he wanted to try out his roller blades that Poppi got him for the first time! First, daddy got him all padded up, then he put on the skates. It was so funny trying to watch Drew stand up with these things on! Finally, he was able to stand up and actually did pretty well,even if he was only on carpet.

Mikayla's new laugh. She squints her eyes closed and covers her mouth! It is really cute, even if I do say so myself!
Before bed, we picked out three stories to read. Drew picked out one of his Thomas books, Mikayla picked out Good Night Moon, and mommy got the Dick and Jane storybook, and we began reading them in that order. When I got to the Dick and Jane storybook, Drew was very enthusiastic about reading it himself! While reading the first story (Dick), I would read a page and then Drew would reread the page. Then, while reading the second story (Jane), Drew was beginning to read some words by himself without me saying them first. By the time we had gotten to the third story (Baby), Drew was reading it almost completely by himself. He learned the words "Dick", "Jane", "Baby", "look", "see", "oh", "and", and "funny" tonight! I can't wait to start on the next story (Spot) tomorrow to see how he does with those words! While Drew and I were reading these stories, Mikayla was reading Good Night Moon from memory. This was a great way to end our night and the weekend.
Friday and Saturday
Our plan was to go to Greenwood to see Nannie and Nana Saturday. However, Craig received an email from work Friday night and had to go in for awhile yesterday afternoon. So, we hope to get to Greenwood soon to see Nannie and hopefully Nana soon! Since we weren't going to Greenwood, we spent the morning playing around the house. Then we met Poppi and Aunt Jennie for lunch at Macdonald's. This is Drew and Mikayla's favorite place to eat (imagine that)! They especially like the Macdonald's here because it has a PlayLand, and we like it because the PlayLand is indoors. As soon as we got there, Craig took Drew and Mikayla to play while Poppi, Jennie, and I ordered, fixed drinks, and got everything together. When our food was ready they came to eat, and then went straight back to play! Drew was such a nice big brother while we were there. Mikayla can go down the BIG slide by herself, but we still ask Drew to keep an eye on her (there are enclosed stairs and tunnels leading up to the slide)! They both helped 2 other children about Mikayla's age find their way to the BIG slide and come down. One time, Mikayla started crying while she was in the tunnels at the top. Thank goodness Jennie was with us! She (along with another adult there with her granddaughter) immediately climbed up to where Mikayla was. We couldn't see them in the tunnels, however, we could hear Drew! He was saying "I'm checking on her, I'm checking on her!" What a great feeling!!
After we left Macdonald's, we went to daddy's work! Drew and Mikayla love visiting daddy at work, so they thought it was wonderful to be able to go with him. Since he didn't have much to do, we stayed with Craig while he worked. Mikayla was tired and had gotten a little whinny not long after we arrived, so she and I sat in the van. Drew, however, stayed with daddy and was daddy's little "helper".
When we got home from "work", we all took a nap. I guess we worked a little too hard. Then for supper, we enjoyed dinner at Outback (thanks Jonathan and Jessica for the gift card)!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Drew's First Trip to the Dentist

Waiting to go back and see the dentist. Doesn't he look relaxed?!

He got in this chair like he had been doing this forever! This mommy sure was proud!!

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, what are they doing to me?" I think Drew was just being silly here. He had not been acting nervous at all!
He did so well with the cleaning, they gave him fluoride! He did really well with this, considering the fact that he had to keep the mouthpiece (with suction) in for one minute!
All finished!! Look at those pearly whites!
Riding in a Limo

Getting loaded up!
Friday, January 06, 2006
What a day!!
Since Drew met the goal of at least $70, he was invited to the Thunderbash! The problem...the Thunderbash was scheduled from 9:00-10:00 and Drew doesn't get to my school until 11:15. So, during my planning period, I was able to leave and bring him to the school just in time for the Thunderbash. Once we got to the gym, he wanted me to stay with him. I figured this was probably because there were no other 4 year olds in there. I explained to him that I had to go get my children from activity and that he would be okay. I introduced him to one of our PTA ladies and told him that when he finished "playing" she would take him to Mrs. Brown's room. He understood and didn't seem to be as nervous about being left there. So, I left the gym and went back to my classroom. I heard from one of the PTA ladies that he kept saying "I want my mommy", but that he had fun once he got used to it.
After the Thunderbash, he was able to stay at school and have lunch with me. Normally he eats lunch at daycare before they bring him to school, so this was new for him! When our class got to the cafeteria, Drew was already going through the line with Mrs. Hayes. Lucky for him one of the choices today was hot dogs, his favorite! Kindergarten teachers had duty-free lunch today so once I got my class seated, I fixed my water and joined Drew at his table. It was really neat to sit with him and talk while he ate his first "big school" lunch. What happened to my baby? Time sure does fly!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Oh Boy!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Spending the morning with Mimi and Jennie...
While I was at the dentist this morning, Drew and Mikayla got to spend some time at Mimi and Poppi's with Mimi and Aunt Jennie (Poppi was playing golf with the "Tuesday crowd"). They could have gone to daycare, but I didn't want to take them back early. Since my mom is off on Tuesdays, she graciously agreed to keep them for me! They seemed to have a ball with Mimi and Jennie for when I returned to get them, neither wanted to leave. Drew had toys spread all over his Mimi's living room and wanted to play "a little bit longer". Mikayla was busy playing with her Aunt Jennie and showed no signs of being ready to leave either. So, since they were not ready to leave, I decided that I would go get us all lunch plates from Delightful Dishes. My mom had never eaten from there before and Jennie and I wanted her to try it. So, I called in our lunch order and then headed over to Inman to pick it up. When I returned, Drew was still playing with his tank and school bus in Mimi's floor and Mikayla met me at the door. Mimi had fixed them grilled cheese sandwiches (which they had both eaten a good amount of), but when they saw that I had brought food, they both got to the table. I had ordered them a "Turkey in a Straw" (turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayo in a wheat pita) to share. Mom, Jennie, and I had all ordered salad plates. We sat down to a great lunch together! After, I could tell that it was time for Drew and Mikayla to have a nap. They were whinny and were aggravating each other a great deal. Drew and Mikayla picked up the toys and we loaded up to head for our house. I am glad that they were able to spend some time with their Mimi and Jennie during their break, and I know Drew and Mikayla feel the same way!