Then last night we went to my Grandma's house for Christmas with my daddy's side of the family. My daddy's family is huge, and growing by leaps and bounds. There's Grandma, Uncle Mike, Elwanda, Denise, Joey, and Hannah, Chris and Dawn, Timothy and Carla, Sed-ne, Rodney, Ryan, Sequoia, Zach, and Cody, Kathy, Hank, Barrett, and Holly, Mikie, April, and Keyleigh, my daddy, my mama, Jonathan, Jessica, and Jennie, Craig, Drew, Mikayla, and I, AuntDenise, Michelle, Tony, Daffney, Nadia, and Cameron, Brandy, and Jason, Allen, Nikki, Chrissy, and Jacob, Aunt Karen. First, we had dinner which included: anything you could imagine to put on a sandwich (ham, turkey, roast beef, chicken salad, egg salad, pimento cheese, hash), chicken tenders, chips, sausage balls, pickles, olives, and other finger foods. Then, there was desert: strawberry pie, pecan pie, heavenly hash, banana pudding, fruit cake cookies, etc. After everyone was finished eating, we started exchanging gifts.

Aunt Jennie helps Mikayla open one of her gifts!
Drew doesn't need any help unwrapping his gifts. Sometimes the boxes are a little tricky though!!
Tonight, we go to my mom and dad's house to exchange gifts with Mimi, Poppi, Uncle Jon Jon, Jessica, and Aunt Jennie! Then we come home and get ready for bed so Santa can come.
In the morning, we will wish Jesus a Happy Birthday, see what Santa has brought, go back to Mimi and Poppi's house to see what Santa left there, and then it's off to church. Once we get home from church Drew and Mikayla's Grandma (Cheryle) will come by to see what Santa brought and visit with us for awhile! We sure will miss Grandpa, but we know he's spending his Christmas with Jesus this year!! Then, it's off to Aunt Laura and Uncle Ted's house to have Christmas dinner with my mom's side of the family! (I will post pictures as soon!!)
It sure is a busy time of year, but it's our favorite! From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!!
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