Okay, so here we are, our baby girl will be celebrating another birthday in just a few short weeks - and I am just now getting to posting her party from last year. That confirms that I am almost a year behind in posting. I will have to shorten some of the past year if I ever hope to "catch up".
Mikayla turned 6 on August 28, 2009, but since she wanted to have her party at a horse farm, we decided we didn't need to have it in August. Instead we decided to "beat the heat" and have her party after her actual birthday. I didn't mean to wait quite so long, as we ended up having her party on a Saturday in November. She had attended her friend, Brooke's, party at this horse farm in 2008, and ever since then,
Mikayla said she wanted her party here.
Shenendoah Farms is a beautiful place, and perfect for parties. They give the party guests rides on the horses for the first hour, and then they take all of the guests on a long hayride. Then, you have all the time you need for cake, ice cream, presents, etc. It
waas a wonderful party, and one that we hope
Mikayla will never forget! Happy 6
th Birthday, Angel! We love you!
Mikayla takes a silly picture with big brother, Drew!
Mikayla's "Little Mermaid" cake.
Mikayla and Drew look at the horses in the stables before the riding begins.

Poppi gets there, he gives Drew and
Mikayla a toboggan, and then shows them a picture of
Mikayla in the newspaper. It was a dancing picture.

Then, of course, Drew and
Mikayla have to take
Poppi on a tour of the stables.

Drew likes all of the animals on the farm, including this donkey.

It took
Mikayla a little while to warm to the idea, but once she finally got on the horse, she loved it!!

Cute little cowgirl!

Drew wasn't real sure at first about this either.
Poppi coaxes him into getting on the horse...

and he LOVED it!
Mikayla is
lovin' this!

Mary Cathryn takes a ride with her daddy.

Poppi coaxes

It worked!!

Brooke looks like a cowgirl too!
Soooo cute!

Tyler takes a turn.

Pretty little cowgirl.

Gracie takes a ride with her mommy.
Mary Cathryn takes a ride by herself.

Sarah says "

Gracie takes a ride by herself!

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
Trevyr takes a ride on the horse.
Jadyn takes her turn!

Tyler's brother takes a turn!

Brooke smiles pretty for the camera.

Daddy and
Poppi warm up by the fire.

This horse got out of his stable while the kids were finishing up their riding time. The handlers were terrific with getting the horse back into the pasture with any incidents. I was worried about our cake for a minute.

Now time for the hayride! Most of the boys were on one side...

while most of the girls were on the other.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear
Mikayla, Happy Birthday to You!

Blow out your candles, sweet girl!

Sweet Friends!!

Opening her gifts...

She loved them all!!

Thank you, sweet friends!!

After all of her guests had left,
Mikayla, Drew, Daddy, and
Poppi enjoy the "bonfire".