On Saturday, April 11th, our family visited the Riverbank Zoo in Columbia. I had been wanting to take the kids to this zoo for several years, and I am so glad that we did! The weather was perfect, and we had a nice relaxing day as a family! After leaving the zoo, we were able to go visit and have dinner with Craig's brother, Jason, and his family. It was so nice to spend time with them as well!!
Mikayla, Drew, and Craig are looking for the lions.
We had to take a ride on the carousel of course!
Mikayla and Craig pet a cow.
Look at the cute koala!! These and the giraffes were my favorite!
Drew and Craig feed the lorikeets! Mikayla was afraid of them, and I wasn't too sure of them myself. I knew they wouldn't attack me, but it is a wild feeling to have these birds swooping all around you and flying directly at you (sometimes your face). Aunt Jennie had taken Mikayla out of the exhibit at this point.
Drew loved it - even when they landed on his head, it didn't phase him.
They didn't bother Craig either - he had two on him a couple of times.
These monkeys were so fun to watch! They were so loud, though, you couldn't watch very long.
Mikayla, Drew, and Craig liked the tigers.
Drew and Mikayla had a front row seat to watch the penguin feeding.
Awww - they loved feeding the giraffes. We didn't get to see the baby giraffe - maybe next time.
Craig and I took a picture while we waited on the 3D movie to start. He is so silly...
My sweet family!! They are a silly bunch, but I sure love them!!