Thursday, January 22nd, was a special day for students at our school! Awards Day for the second nine weeks was just as special as the first! Each teacher planned an Awards Ceremony in their classroom. 2nd grade awards were at 9:30, so I attended Drew's first. I got to his classroom right at 9:30 and I could tell by his face that he had been worried I wouldn't make it. He said "I almost started crying cause I didn't think you were coming". I assured him that I wouldn't miss it for the world, but that it does take a minute for me to get from my classroom to his. After that, the smile never left his face!
Drew goes up to accept his first award - perfect attendance.
Drew comes back to his seat with another award - Honor Roll. You may remember that he made straight A's the first nine weeks. The second nine weeks he had one B (in math) and the rest A's. I was very proud, but I also know that Drew is capable of straight A's all the time. He just has to set his mind to it...
Drew at his seat with yet another award - a music award from the music teacher.
After all of the awards were given out, my child leads some of his classmates in a Conga line - imagine that! I got the feeling that this was a routine occurrence in the class because before the line started I heard several students calling Drew's name.
Kindergarten awards were scheduled for 12:30, but I scheduled my class' celebration for 1:00 to give me the opportunity to see Mikayla. She had reminded me to "get there early". The first nine weeks my class was the same time but her teacher saved her awards for last so I could sneak in after I finished presenting my awards. Mikayla wanted to make sure I saw the whole thing this time...
Kindergarten awards were scheduled for 12:30, but I scheduled my class' celebration for 1:00 to give me the opportunity to see Mikayla. She had reminded me to "get there early". The first nine weeks my class was the same time but her teacher saved her awards for last so I could sneak in after I finished presenting my awards. Mikayla wanted to make sure I saw the whole thing this time...
Mikayla and her classmates wait patiently for their celebration to start.
Mikayla receives her first award - perfect attendance!
Mikayla back at her seat with her second award - Most Caring! She also received a music award from her music teacher! I am so proud of her hard work this nine weeks!! All S's again on her report card - kindergarteners don't receive A's/B's/etc.
At the end of their celebration, Mikayla's class performed a song they had been learning about snowmen. I was at the door by this time getting ready to head to my class for my awards celebration. I did get to see the whole song.
I am so proud of both of my angels - my hope is that they always do this well in school!!