Friday, November 28, 2008
Such Wonderful Friends!!
Soccer Banquet
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Butterfly...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Drew's First Chorus Performance!!
All of these fantastic students (27 of which were mine in kindergarten) did a wonderful job in this performance. I couldn't have been more proud, especially of my little singer. At the end of the performance, Drew was adamant about shaking the hands of the veterans that were there and thanking them for their sacrifice. What a sweetie!!
Happy Birthday Brooke, Goodbye Soccer...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Drew and Bryson ride the "hayride" after "trunk-or-treating" a little bit.
Then we headed across the street to Grandma's house so Drew and Mikayla could trick-or-treat there. This is actually their Great-Grandma (my dad's mom) and they love going over to Grandma's house anytime!
Boy, we sure have been busy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! Did I mention I love this time of year, and all of the fun things I get to do with my angels??
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Another Fall Festival
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Decision 2008
Conferences, Report Cards, Awards, Oh My!
Our school had our Award's Day on Wednesday, October 29th. We did things a little differently at our school this year. One of the differences is that kindergarten has never participated in Award's Day and this year we did. Another difference is that all of the Award's Ceremonies were held in each teachers' individual classrooms. Drew's ceremony was at 9:30 and then Mikayla's was at 12:00. My classroom's ceremony was also held at 12:00, but Mikayla's teacher, my assistant, and I worked it out so that I could be there to see Mikayla get her awards! I am soooo proud of both of my angels and all of their hard work!! I hope that they both always do this well in school - they are very capable, that's for sure!!
Mikayla waits for the "Parade of Teams" to start!
AYSO had vendors there and also inflatables. A local martial arts school came to put on a demonstration for the players and families. There was even a soccer game between the coaches and the referees from this season! Drew and Mikayla wanted to play on the equipment at the park more than anything. They especially loved Poppi pushing them on the swings!! Drew played in the last regular game of the season this past Saturday, and the game ended in a tie. He does, however, have the chance to play in a soccer tournament this coming weekend. We can't wait to watch the outcome of that!!