Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Mikayla!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Playing Teacher!
A Friend at the Pool
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
From the Lazy Hazy days of Summer to the Busy Busy Days of School
- Playing Teacher
- We Love School
- Soccer
- Dance
- Mommy's New Title
- Mikayla's Birthday
- Mikayla's Party
- And More...
I hope to have a chance tomorrow night to get some of these posted. Mikayla's birthday is Thursday so I want Thursday's post to be all about that! I will try my best to do better and at least get in a few posts each week...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First Day of School!
Mikayla poses with her teacher, Mrs. Batson. She is also my mentor and she also had the privilege of teaching Drew in kindergarten! I'm not sure what I would do without this wonderful lady!

Drew with his teacher, Mrs. Turner! She is a fantastic teacher, and I know she will be good for our Drew!
It seems like they both had a very good day! Drew came home with a smiley face which is always good news. When I checked with Mrs. Batson this afternoon to see how Mikayla's day went she said, jokingly "was she even in here". That's always a good sign - Mrs. Batson didn't have to call her name all day! Mrs. Batson did share with me something that Mikayla said that she and her assistant just hooted over. She said "mama, this is one you have to write down and save forever". I thought no better place to write it than here, and I hope it makes you laugh (or at least smile) as it did me! Mrs. Batson said when they were making their lunch choices this morning she called on the first 3 students but they were very shy, so when she called on Mikayla she thought she would answer. So Mrs. Batson said "Mikayla what would you like for lunch today cheese sticks, bbq chicken sandwich, or peanut butter and jelly?" She said Mikayla replied in all seriousness "whooaaa, my mama said I'm not eating with y'all today". I laughed so hard, and I knew exactly how Mikayla had gotten confused. I packed her snack this morning for the after school program and told her that she wouldn't need to eat that in class, she would save that for after school. She took that as "I'm not eating with y'all today". Our silly girl! Mrs. Turner said that Drew was shy - I wondered if we were talking about the same Drew? I am so proud of both of our angels - a successful first day!
Happy Brithday to Mommy!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Whirlwind of a Week
Sunday, August 10, 2008
One year, already
Friday, August 08, 2008
Silly, Sweet Boy!
Funny, Sweet Girl!
This crab is very active - again, more so than any we have ever gotten. My plan is to transfer him/her (I can't tell) to a 10 gallon aquarium (and maybe get a few friends) and take it to my classroom. We have taken care of the hermit crabs in a fourth grade classroom every year while they go on their annual trip to Charleston and my students always love that. Since school is not in session yet, Drew and Mikayla are enjoying it at home (we are going to have to name it soon). After this episode, Craig said we should name it P.P. (purple pincher).
Mikayla enjoys watching it, and Drew (as usual) has enjoyed playing with it. That is, until later on the night we got it. Drew was playing with it, when all of a sudden he came running up to me screaming "she pinched me". Well, I'm thinking Mikayla has pinched him and I'm trying to calm him down and find out where. That's when Craig cries from across the room "the crab is pinching him" (He had his fist closed and then moved it down and I couldn't see it, but Craig who was behind us could). When I realized what it was that was pinching him, I sent him over to his daddy. I don't touch them, and I'm so thankful that Craig was home when it happened - I would have had to handle it myself had he not been I guess. The crab would not let go, and Drew would not let his dad pull the crab off, nor did Craig want to do that for fear of breaking the skin (then you worry more about infections and such). If you know how to get a crab to let go, we would love to know (although I'm pretty certain we don't have to worry about that around here anymore). Craig finally got the crab off by running water over it in the kitchen sink and then flicked it off of Drew's hand when he saw it loosen its grip. If anyone is out there saying "the poor crab", I'm sorry but I was thinking about my poor kid - just to let you know the crab is alive and well. He just stays in his cage a little more now.
In the crab's defense, I completely understand that pinching is one of the only ways they can protect themselves - that and their shell. I also understand that my son closing his hand around the crab is more than likely what caused this crab to pinch. That knowledge does not make me feel any better about my son (or anyone else) holding this crab again without thick, thick gloves. I will never forget the look on my son's face, nor the sound of him screaming during this ordeal and although it seems like it took forever to get the crab off of his hand, it was more like a couple of minutes. I'm sure it was painful for him, but it did not break the skin and I am grateful. I think he was screaming more from terror than from actual pain. We have still had him wash it good with soap and water many times a day, put peroxide on it, and a dab of Neosporin, just in case!!
Club Libby Lu
First up - nails! She painted Mikayla's nails first, giving Mikayla a choice of color. Is anyone surprised that she chose pink?
After Mikayla was all dolled up, she and Drew check out some other things for sale at the store. Craig couldn't believe Drew was interested, but they had "Suite Life with Zach and Cody" books, and he loves that show.
Look at my angels after loads of fun!! Daddy and I had just as much fun as they did - watching them get excited was the best!!
Friday's Feast!
Soup: Name one thing you miss about being a child.
Salad:Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.
Main Course: If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
Dessert: Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
Thursday, August 07, 2008
After you finish putting your "ride" together, you go to the computers to name it and register it. It even prints a certificate for you just like Build-a-Bear. I missed that part because I was back at Libby Lu's. Drew decided to name his car "Speedy" which I thought was fitting.
He was very proud of his ride! I will get a better picture up tomorrow...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Vacation - Day 5
Drew and Mikayla feed the fish from one of the walkways at Broadway. After car-building and glamour fun, we headed to Johnny Rockets for lunch before our long ride home. We love Johnny Rockets because of the great food and the different atmosphere. It is a throw back to a 1950's diner complete with decor, dancing waiters/waitresses, and ice cream floats. We have eaten there before, and I'm most sure we will eat there again.
Drew and Mikayla share a hug in the booth!
This guy climbed onto the ledge directly behind Craig's head. He was kinna the leader of the group calling out commands and such (I'm thinking he was a manager - notice the street clothes). This was Drew and Mikayla's favorite part of the whole experience!
Another waitress dances beside our table.
Our whole vacation was memorable - even the part where I had to take Mikayla out of Food Lion crying our first night there. Flashbacks from the previous year's trip to Target on the first night came flooding back to me. I'm sure that, yet again, Mikayla was crying because she was so worn out, just as I'm sure someone in that store probably would have thought that I was stealing this little child if she didn't look quite so much like me. The funniest part (at least it's funny now) is that once we were in the car, the crying stopped. We also won't forget Drew getting upset when we had to leave the pool/ocean. He never cried or showed out, but you certainly could tell he wasn't happy about it. He was always the last one out of the water. We had to assure him that we would be going back. Ah, the memories made!
Look for pictures from Ridemakerz and Libby Lu's soon...
Monday, August 04, 2008
Vacation - Day 4
Since it was so nice at the ocean first thing Monday morning, we decided to do the same thing on Tuesday morning. Tuesday, again, proved to us that first thing in the morning is the best time to be at the ocean - it wasn't crowded, the water was calm (well for the ocean anyway), and the tide was going out so there was plenty of sandy shore on which to play. We looked for shells/sharks' teeth again, had fun building a sand castle with Drew (he started one again), and even went out to splash in the waves. Mikayla went out with me and Drew went with Craig (they went farther out than we did), and Mikayla wouldn't let go of my hands. It was quite funny when a wave came in and knocked us both down. I thought she would be upset, but she was too busy laughing at me to be upset.
A view of our hotel from the ocean - I'm glad we were no higher than fourth floor! It was nice!
Drew and Mikayla could not get enough of the sandy, salty water. They are our "fishies"!
They also couldn't enough of playing in the sand - we all worked hard making a sand castle together. Such fun family memories were made!
We headed out to Murrels Inlet for dinner - we were looking for a seafood buffet restaurant where we ate once with Drew when he was a baby. They had a lady dressed as a mermaid and we wanted Mikayla to experience that. We never did find that restaurant, but we found another wonderful one instead - one that we will be sure to frequent on our trips to the beach!!
They were very excited and couldn't wait to get started!
After playing putt-putt we went back to the hotel and went down to the pools again. We started in the outdoor pool, but the breeze that was blowing was so cold that we moved into the indoor pool. Mikayla even enjoyed the hot tub for a couple of minutes!
Drew swims in the pool!
After leaving the pool, Drew, Mikayla, and I went back up to the room to get Craig so we could walk on the beach one last time. We were leaving on Wednesday, so we walked down for one last stroll Tuesday night. It was so much fun watching Drew and Mikayla run in the sand. They were having a lot of fun until the fireworks started, and Mikayla decided she was ready to go. She grabbed Craig's hand and said "let's go to the room, dada". I got one last picture of them in front of the dunes!