These are a few of Mikayla's favorite things in 2008 (in no particular order):
- Molly (dog), Miley Cyrus, and Jackson (goats)
- Reading - My girl walks around with a book in her hand almost constantly. She's been reading Dick and Jane stories for the past 4 months (a pretty good accomplishment for a girl who just turned four in August). Can you tell I'm a proud mom?
- Writing - If she's not carrying around a book, she has instead something to write on.
- Breanna, Jadyn, Abbi, Annabeth, Timothy, Savanna, and other friends
- Pocketbooks - She LOVES pocketbooks and will frequently have one on her arm as we are leaving the house. Before she could say pocketbook she called them "pockbooks".
- Make-up - Easy to see she's a girly-girl, huh? She loves make-up, and asks daily if she can have some of mine. She has her own that she wears when we are just hanging around the house.
- Games - Candyland, Uno, Connect Four, Memory - she loves them all!
- Puzzles - She has many of her own, but she likes me to bring the ones from my classroom home as well.
- Dancing - She dances every time music plays.
- Singing - She knows many songs by heart and when they come on the radio, she sings along beautifully.
- Glitter - She loves "sprinkles" as she calls them on everything - clothes, hair bows, pocketbooks, the more "sprinkly" the better!
- Cheering - The socializing that goes along with it is also beneficial.
- Baby Dolls - She has too many to count, and she is always carrying one (or more) everywhere she goes.
- Barbies
- Pizza
- Cheeseburgers (no pickles)
- Having Her Hair Braided
- Hannah Montana
- High School Musical
- Pink, pink, and more pink
- Coca -Cola
- Riding her Scooter
- Talking on the Phone
Whew! What a list! Can't wait to compare!