Saturday, February 25, 2006
Drew's first day of gymnastics
Friday, February 24, 2006
Mikayla's first dance class
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Blowing bubbles

Drew and Mikayla both love gum (it doesn't matter to them whether it is chewing gum or bubble gum). Drew has been working to learn how to blow bubbles with his gum the last few months. He has been able to get them started for awhile now, but it was just a couple of months ago that he realized he has to blow air to make the bubble. Today while we were waiting on daddy to get home to take us to the fish camp, Drew and Mikayla got some gum. Drew blew the biggest bubble yet. It popped all over the side of his face (you would know I didn't have my camera ready to catch a picture of that one)! Thankfully he was ready to blow more bubbles on the ride to supper. I was able to catch a few pictures of those!! He has become our bubble blowin' monster!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Our sweet ballerina!

Our goal has always been to provide several extra-curricular opportunities for Drew and Mikayla, and then let them decide which ones they like the best (which ones to continue). Since Drew started wrestling this year and will be playing ragball again, I have been researching to find something that Mikayla could participate in. Since she is only two, she will have to wait a little while to participate in some activities due to age limits (most activities begin at 3). However, I did find a dance company that offers a tap/ballet class for two year olds. Beginning Thursday, Mikayla will take tap and ballet (combined class) once a week. She will participate in her first recital this year! Mikayla is very excited about this, and so are we! We went this afternoon to get her tap and ballet shoes, leotards, and tights. She also got her very first dance bag! Of course, when we got home she had to try her "ballerina" clothes on. She keeps saying "I ballerina, I ballerina"! I can't wait until Thursday to see how she will do at her first class!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Go Cubs!!!
Lunch with Daddy (or sort of...)

Since Craig has been working so much lately, he's not been able to spend as much time with Drew and Mikayla. I know this worries Craig, and since Drew and Mikayla love going to his work, we decided to go have lunch with him today! I took my camera thinking that I would get a picture of Craig working since my daddy always teases Craig about "not working". I did get some pictures, but not of Craig. Instead, I got pictures of Drew and Mikayla enjoying their fast food lunch in daddy's office. I'll have to make sure my daddy knows that Craig was working, so hard in fact, he worked straight through lunch. Drew and Mikayla didn't mind too much though, they got to play in his office.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Frankie's Fun Park
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Change of Plans...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006!!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Please snow...

On the way home this afternoon it started to rain. Since the temperature is close to freezing, there were also a few snowflakes and sleet mixed in. By the time we were headed home, Drew and Mikayla (and I must admit Mommy too!) were so excited about this. They kept watching out the windows and were chanting snow, snow, snow. Once we got home, they were still on the look out. I'm not sure that we are going to get snow tonight (at least none that sticks), but they sure have had fun watching for it!!
Our new resident doctor...

Mikayla loves pretending. The latest thing she and Drew pretend to be are doctors. They both got a doctor set for Christmas. Mikayla got a baby doll nurse station from Nana and Papa Fred and Drew received his doctor set from Santa. They pretend to take blood pressures, check heart beats, give shots, and give medicine. Who knows maybe they are practicing for later years!! Hey a mom can hope, can't she?

Our sweet Mikayla!
Mr. Manners

Drew was selected by his teachers as Mr. Manners for January. Teachers select one boy and one girl from their classes each month as Mr. and Ms. Manners. These children must display their manners consistently. Drew has been saying thank you and please since he was 1. He learned to use ma'am and sir at 3, however he hasn't used them consistently until a few months ago. Drew has been working hard these last few months to use his manners not only when speaking to others, but also while others are speaking to him (listening attentively, following directions the first time, not interupting, etc.). I was so pleasantly surprised to hear Drew's name when they announced Mr. and Ms. Manners for January!! We are so proud of our Mr. Manners!
Ride 'em cowboy (and cowgirl)!

On Saturday night, we went to Mimi and Poppi's house. Drew and Mikayla love seeing all of their grandparents because they all play and have a good time with them. Well, Saturday was no exception.
Drew and Mikayla love for my dad to ride them around on his back. They call it riding the "horsie". This might have been the last "double" ride because they are both getting so big!
Friday, February 03, 2006
The Greatest Show on Earth (Part II)

Thursday, February 02, 2006
The Greatest Show on Earth