Well it really starts feeling like fall when the fair comes to town. Last night was opening night, and since my mom, dad, and sister were all able to go, we decided that it would be a good night to take Drew and Mikayla! We have taken them to the fair every year, some years more than once. In fact, the year Mikayla was born, we went 3 times! Sometimes Aunt Jennie went with us, but Mimi and Poppi had never been with Drew and Mikayla. So...we decided Sunday that since Monday night would be good for everyone, we would go the first night it opened. Craig was glad about this because he said "we may as well get it over with." He was also real quick to tell us all that this would be the only trip this year!
This was the perfect year for Mimi and Poppi to go with us as Drew and Mikayla both seemed to enjoy it more last night.
My mom got off of work at 5 and my sister got out of her lab class at 5, so we were headed out about 5:30. The first thing Drew and Mikayla wanted to do, of course, was ride the rides. We decided to get them both a mega pass so that they could ride as many times as they wanted!
This was the first ride that Drew rode. He loves the motorcycles, but Mikayla wouldn't have anything to do with them...yet!
The first ride they rode together. Mikayla didn't want to ride on this either at first. Jennie put them on (and was going to ride with them to help ease Mikayla until the attendant told her she was too big), and since Mikayla did not cry, we thought let her try it. When the ride first started, she would not look at us (much less smile or grin), but Poppi finally got her to cheer up so that by the end of the ride, she and Drew were coming around smiling with their tongues out!

Later...Mikayla decides she would like to ride the motorcycles! Go girl, go!